Studio Infinitum

Members of Studio Infinitum, Studio's legacy giving program, have included Studio in their estate plans. This commitment stands as a pledge of support toward Studio's future and continued values of bold artistry, thoughtful storytelling, and community.

Through a planned gift, participants of Studio Infinitum create a legacy for themselves or may leave a tribute to a loved one by dedicating their gift in honor of someone else. A planned gift also secures tax benefits.

To show our gratitude for their visionary support, we recognize Studio Infinitum participants in our printed materials, on theatre lobby placards, and on our website throughout their lifetime, and for ten years thereafter., Annually, Studio Infinitum participants come together at an exclusive brunch hosted by the Studio Theatre Board Chair. 

Below are the planned giving options that you might consider. We encourage you to speak to your financial advisor and your attorney for advice on which approach is best for you. 

Bequest from a Will or Gift from Living Trust

You can make a bequest for a specific amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of your overall estate.

Retirement Plan

You can name Studio as a full or partial beneficiary of your retirement assets in your Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 401(k), 403(b), or another type of retirement plan.

Life Insurance Policy

You can name Studio as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

Charitable Lead Trust

You can name Studio Theatre a designated recipient of a Charitable Lead Trust, giving Studio a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the trust assets for a specified number of years.

Charitable Remainder Trust

You can fund a Charitable Remainder Trust which pays you, or others you name, a specific dollar amount or a percentage of trust assets for a number of years or for life. After payments are completed to you or your designated recipient, the remaining assets will come to Studio.

Other Options

Studio is also interested in accepting in-kind gifts, such as a gift of stock, real estate, or tangible personal property and would be happy to discuss the benefits of such gifts with you. Studio Theatre will exercise discretion over what in-kind gifts are accepted.

Donor Testimonial, Susan L. Gordon, Board Member since 2005:

“Studio Theatre has been my theatre of choice for many years because it continually expands my horizons by producing pieces exploring important, contemporary social issues, which I often continue to contemplate well after the curtain call. I would like to give back to Studio in a meaningful way, so others can continue to have the same positive experiences as I have been able to enjoy. I was eager to sign up for the Studio Infinitum program, as planned giving is a terrific way for me to donate to Studio to a much greater degree than I am able to do through annual gifts.  Through Studio Infinitum, my estate will be able to make a significant donation to Studio after my family and others have been provided for. For me, that is the beauty of planned giving programs.”

For more information about planned gifts and Studio Infinitum, contact

Bianca Beckham, Director of Development