United Kingdom Wealth Gap by Generation

(but check the end of the article for wealth gap within generations as well)

Spoiler Alert: This is one of a series of articles we’re pulling together that gives context to Acts 2 and 3 of Mike Bartlett’s Love, Love, Love. If you haven’t seen the play yet, you might not want to learn some of the subjects the play follows in its later acts.

 The following are excerpts from a 2017 Huffington Post UK report from Resolution Foundation. The gloss is in the article title: “Baby Boomers Hoarding Half of Britain’s Wealth While Young are Worse Off, says Think Tank

“In the 20th Century, a predictable economic pattern emerged in the UK: Each new generation's income grew at a pace of roughly 50% more than their parents' did. From 1881 onwards, Britons only became more prosperous as the decades went by. Every parent could expect their children to do better than they did. But data published on Monday by the Resolution Foundation show that for the first time in more than 100 years the current generation of workers — millennials — are doing worse than the generation before them, Generation X. Generational income growth has stopped.”

Statistics from the Resolution Foundation report

That said, here’s a chart from the Intergenerational Commission in 2017 that shows inequities within generations (here the upper 20% of income earners (80p) and the lowest 20% of income earners (20p)) are wider than the gap between them

Sources as cited; commentary by Studio’s Literary Director, Adrien-Alice Hansel